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Mobile Hotspots Print
Active Image The library has seven mobile hotspots available for checkout.

The hotspots allow patrons to connect their tablet, phone, laptop and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices to the Internet.

A hotspot may be checked out by any cardholder 18 years of age or older whose card is in good standing. All borrowers must show a current driver's license, state ID, passport or military photo ID at the time of checkout.

Hotspots circulate for 7 days. Each hotspot circulates in a carrying case within a plastic case along with an AC adapter. The user is responsible for returning all of these items to the circulation desk in good condition.

Hotspots may be renewed one time, provided there are no holds on the item. Only 1 hotspot may be borrowed on a patron's account at a time. The fine for an overdue hotspot is $1 per day until returned. After 3 days overdue, the hotspot will be deactivated and the patron is billed for the item. You may put a hold on a hotspot here.

A hotspot can provide Internet access for up to 10 devices.

By borrowing and initiating use of the library's mobile hotspot, the user agrees to abide by the library's Mobile Wireless Hotspot Policy. blue was designed 2006 by Karsten Oltrogge:
Homepage of Karsten Oltrogge:

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