Public Participation at Board Meetings Policy |
The library's Board of Trustees welcomes the opinions of the public and allocates a time for comments within the monthly agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes of public participation will be permitted at each meeting, with each person being given a maximum of 5 minutes to speak. Thus, the Board will be able to fulfill the scheduled agenda in an effective and efficient manner. Any member of the public who wishes to speak to the Board is asked to sign in before the meeting is called to order so that he or she may be added to the agenda. Speakers must identify any groups or organizations for which they will speak in an official capacity. Those who have signed in to address the Board will be recognized in the order in which they signed in. The President of the Board (or other presiding officer) may limit public comments to only those subjects appearing on the meeting agenda. Persons addressing the Board are expected to observe a level of civility and decorum appropriate for a public meeting, and refrain from vulgar, profane, repetitive or harassing remarks, or personal attacks against any person. The President of the Board (or other presiding officer) may terminate any presentation deemed not adherent to these standards. Approved by Board of Trustees 2/18 |