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Fine Free Print


The Blanchester Public Library is fine free, with no late fines on books and media.

Here is what that means for our patrons:

What is fine free? The library eliminated late fines for books, audiobooks, magazines, and DVDs.  We also are waiving all old overdue fines.

What about other library materials? The library still charges fines for mobile hotspots.

What about other fines and fees? The library still charges for lost, non-returned, and damaged items.

Are there restrictions on borrowing if items are overdue? Yes. If you have more than 2 overdue items or owe more than $10 in fees, you will not be able to borrow more materials until the issue is resolved.

Why is the library now fine free? The library administration and Board of Trustees decided to go fine free to decrease barriers to the collection and encourage more people to use the library. While fines often keep people from using the library, there is little evidence that fines have any effect on the timely return of library materials.

Will this effect the library financially? No. Fines account for less than 1 percent of the library's revenue and have been steadily decreasing. We have other sources of revenue to support what the library provides to the community. But we always appreciate donations. blue was designed 2006 by Karsten Oltrogge:
Homepage of Karsten Oltrogge:

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