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Confidentiality of Library Records and Patron Information Print
It is the policy of the Blanchester Public Library to protect the privacy of those who use the library. Library employees and volunteers shall protect information from and about library patrons, which includes requests for information and materials, online sites and resources accessed, and any borrowing transactions.

Library Records

The Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 149.432 defines “library record” to be a record in any form that is maintained by a library and contains any of the following information:

1.    Information that the library requires an individual to provide in order to be eligible to use library services or borrow materials
2.    Information that identifies an individual as having requested or obtained specific materials or materials on a particular subject
3.    Information that is provided by an individual to assist a library staff member to answer a specific question or provide information on a particular subject

The definition of “library record” does not include the following:

1.    Information that does not identify any individual
2.    Information that is retained for the purpose of studying or evaluating the use of the library and its materials and services

Patron Information

The ORC Section 149.432 defines “patron information” as personally identifiable information about an individual who has used any library service or borrowed any library materials.

Release of Library Records or Patron Information

No library employee or volunteer may release library records or reveal information about a library user to any third party or law enforcement agent except in compliance with ORC Section 149.432 when authorized to do so by the Library Director or his designee. Library records or patron information can be released only as follows:

1.    Library record or patron information pertaining to a minor child will be made available to the minor child’s parent, guardian, or custodian.
2.    In accordance with a subpoena, search warrant, or other court order (when employees and volunteers shall follow the procedures set forth in the Blanchester Public Library “Guidelines for Responding to Law Enforcement Requests for Library Records and Patron Information”)
3.    To a law enforcement officer who is acting in the scope of the officer’s law enforcement duties and who is investigating a matter involving public safety in exigent circumstances
4.    Upon the request or with the consent of the individual who is the subject of the record or information
5.    Administrative library purposes including: Establishment or maintenance of a system to manage the library records or to assist in the transfer of library records from one records management system to another; compilation of statistical data on library use; collection of fines and fees

Blanchester Public Library employees and volunteers understand that their access to patron transactions and information must be strictly limited to the conduct of legitimate library business.

Approved by Board of Trustees 1/09 blue was designed 2006 by Karsten Oltrogge:
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